Flowers in Iiyama City in 2025

Updated :2025.03.19.

We will provide you with the current status of major flower spots in Iiyama City.
※NOTICE : Photos below are not current conditions.

■Cherry blossoms in Iiyama Castle Ruins Park

◎Current StatusBud (Update 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Middle to late April

Cherry Blossom Festival will be held from April 5 (Sat.) to 29 (Tue.). Details MAP

■Cherry blossoms along the Chikumagawa River

◎Current StatusSomeiyoshino cherry tree :
Bud (Updated 3/28)
Double-flowered cherry tree :
Bud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Middle to late April

■Cherry blossoms at Nagamine Sports Park

◎Current StatusSomeiyoshino cherry tree :
Bud (Updated 3/28)
Double-flowered cherry tree :
Bud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late April to early May

※Some species can be seen until early May. MAP

■Cherry blossoms at Nishiotaki Dam

◎Current StatusBud (Update 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late April to early May


■Nozawana blossoms in Nanohana Park

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late April to early May

※Iiyama Nanohana Blossom Festival will be held from May 3 (Sat.) to 5 (Mon.). Details MAP

■Nozawana blossoms along the Chikumagawa River

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Middle April to middle May


■Nozawana blossoms at Lake Hokuryu

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late April to early May


■Katakuri (Dogtooth violet) in Takeminakata-tominomikoto-hikokamiwake shrine


◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Middle to late April

■Mitsugashiwa (Menyanthes trifoliata) in Numa-no-hara marshland

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late May to middle June


Mizubasho (Asian skunk-cabbage) in Numa-no-hara marshland

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late April to Late May


■Ryukinka (yellow marsh marigold) in Numa-no-hara marshland

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late April to Late May


画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: 6.7-ajisai-1024x678.jpg

■Hydrangea at Kogenin Temple

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Late June to middle July


■Sunflowers in Nanohana Park

◎Current StatusBud (Updated 3/28)
◎Best season
in every year
Early to middle August
※Flowers are reaped every year after the Obon holiday.


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